Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Interview Questions

Oracle Apps 11i Interview Questions:

1. Why do we call FND SRWINIT from before Report Trigger
A. FND SRWINIT fetches concurrent request information and sets up the profile options. It must be included if one is using any ORACLE APPLICATION OBJECT LIBRARY features in his report (such as concurrent processing)
2. Why do we call FND SRWEXIT from after Report Trigger
A. FND SRWEXIT frees all the memory allocations done in other Oracle Applications user exits. It must be included if one is using any ORACLE APPLICATION OBJECT LIBRARY features in his report (such as concurrent processing)
3. Why do we call FND FLEXSQL from the Before Report Trigger?
A. One need to pass the concatenated segment values from the underlying code combinations table to the user exit so that it can display appropriate data and derive any description and values from switched value sets as needed. One gets this information by calling the AOL user exit FND FLEXSQL from the before report Trigger.
4. If u call the user exit FND FLEXSQL with MODE = “WHERE” from the Before Report Trigger. What will it do?
A. This user exit populates a lexical parameter that you specify with the appropriate SQL fragment at run time. You include this lexical parameter in the WHERE clause of the report query. This user exit is called once for each lexical to be changed.
5. If u call the user exit FND FLEXSQL with MODE = “ORDER BY” from the Before Report Trigger. What will it do?
A. This user Exit populates the lexical parameter that one specifies with the appropriate SQL fragment at run time. One includes this lexical parameter in the ORDER BY clause of the report query. This user exit is called once for each lexical to be changed.
6. How can we display flex field segment values, descriptions, and prompts on the report?
A. Create a formula Column. Call the user exit FND FLEXIDVAL as the formula for this column. This user exit automatically fetches more complicated information such as descriptions and prompts so that one does not has to use complicated table joins to the flex field tables.
7. Name some options of the FND FLEXSQL user exit
8. Describe CODE option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit
A. Specify the flex field code for the report (for example, GL#, MCAT).
9. Describe the APP_SHORT_NAME option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit
A. Specifies the short name of the application that owns the flex field (for example: SQLGL, INV)
10. Describe the OUTPUT option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit
A. Specify the name of the lexical parameter to store the SQL fragment. One uses this lexical later in the report when defining the SQL statement that selects the flex field values. the data type of this parameter should be character.
11. Describe the MODE option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit
A. Specify the mode to use to generate the SQL fragment. Valid modes are :
SELECT: Retrieves all segments values in an internal (non- displayable format).
WHERE: Restrict the query by specifying constraints on flex field columns. The fragment returned includes the correct decode statement if one specifies MULTINUM. One must also specify an OPERATOR and OPERANDS.
HAVING: Same calling procedures and functionality as WHERE.
ORDER BY: Order required information by flexfield columns. The fragment Orders your flexfield columns and separates them with a comma. The fragment returned includes the correct decode statement, one specifies in MULTINUM.
12. Describe the DISPLAY option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit
A. One uses the DISPLAY token with the MODE token. The DISPLAY parameter allows you to specify segments that represent specified flexfield qualifiers or specified segments numbers, where the segment numbers are the order in that the segments appear in the flexfield window, not the segment number specified in the Define Key Segments form.
Eg. If your MODE is SELECT and you specify DISPLAY = “ALL” then the SELECT statement includes all the segments of the flexfield. . Similarly, if your MODE is WHERE and you specify DISPLAY = “ALL”, then your WHERE clause includes all segments.
13. Describe the SHOWDEPSEG option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit
A. SHOWDEPSEG = “N” disables automatic addition of depended upon segments to the order criteria. The default is “Y”. This token is valid only for MODE = “ODER BY” In FLEXSQL.
14. Describe the NUM option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit
A. Specify the name or lexical or source column that contains the flexfield structure information. If the flexfield uses just one structure, specify NUM only and use a lexical parameter to hold the value. If the flexfield uses multiple structures, specify MULTINUM only and use a source column to hold the value. The default value is 101.
15. Describe the TABLE ALIAS option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit
A. You use TABLE ALIAS if your SELECT joins to other flexfield tables or uses a self – join.
16. Describe the OPERATOR option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit
A. Specify an operator to use in the WHERE clause.
17. Describe the OPERAND1 option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit
A. Specify an operand to use in the WHERE clause,
18. Describe the OPERAND2 option of the FND FLEXSQL user exit
A. Specify a second operand to use with OPERATOR = “BETWEEN”
19. Where is FND FLEXIDVAL user exit used
A. Call this user exit to populate fields for display. You pass the key flex fields data retrieved by the query into this user exit from the formula column. With this exit you can display values, descriptions and prompts by passing appropriate token (any one of VALUE, DECRIPTION
20. Name the interface tables used for the customer interface?
21. What is the name of the column in CUSTOMER_INTERFACE_TABLE that indicates whether you are inserting new or updating existing information?
A: When importing data into the interface tables, the column INSERT_UPDATE_FLAG indicates whether you are inserting new or updating existing information. This column is required in RA_CUSTOMERS_INTERFACE.
22. If the INSERT_UPDATE_FLAG is not set correctly or the required column is missing the value, will CUSTOMER INTERFACE reject the entire record or just the attributes u want to update?
A Reject the entire record.
23. List some of the required columns for the RA_CUSTOMERS_INTERFACE?
CUSTOMER_NUMBER (if you are not using Automatic Customer Numbering)
If you are importing an address and a business purpose, you must also populate the following columns:
PRIMARY_SITE_USE_FLAG (if you are inserting an address)
LOCATION (if you are not using Automatic Site Numbering)
SITE_USE_CODE (if you are inserting an address)
24. List some of the production tables that Customer Interface transfers customer data from the interface tables into?
25. What validation must be given on the customer_number?
A Must be null if you are using Automatic Customer Numbering. Must exist if you are not using Automatic Customer Numbering. This value must be unique within RA_CUSTOMERS.
26. What validation must be given on the CUSTOMER_STATUS?
A Must equal ’A’ for Active or ’I’ for Inactive.
27. Name some of the Oracle receivables Interfaces?
a) Auto Invoice
b) Auto Lockbox
c) Customer Interface
d) Sales Tax rate Interface
e) Tax Vendor Extension
28. Give some of the Oracle Payables interface?A. a) Credit Card Transaction Interface
b) Invoice Import Interface
c) Payables Open Interface
d) Purchase Order Matching
29. Name some of the oracle general ledger Interface?
A Budget Upload
b) Importing Journals
c) Loading Daily rates
30. What are the names of the parameters u pass to the Procedure which u register in the apps?A. 1) retcode in varchar2
2) errbuf in varchar2
31. What is the use of Auto lock Box?
A Auto Lockbox (or Lockbox) is a service that commercial banks offer corporate customers to enable them to outsource their accounts receivable payment processing.
32. Auto Lockbox is a three-step process, what are those?
A. a) Import
b) Validation
c) PostQuickCash
33. What is the order in which Autolock box searches for the types of the matching number?
A. 1. Transaction Number
2. Sales Order Number
3. Purchase Order Number
4. Consolidated Billing Invoice Number
5. Other, user-defined number.
34. What is application short name for General Ledger you specify in FND FLEXSQL user exit?
35 . What are validations to be done in Journal Import interface.
A. Batch level: Set of Books, Period Name, and Batch Name
Journal Level: Set of books, Period name, Source name, Journal entry name, Currency code, Category name, Actual flag, Encumbrance type ID, User conversion type, Accounting date, Budget version ID
36. What subclass in forms6i
A Specifies module, storage & name information about the source object and source module for a referenced objects.
37. What is the clause in SQL * Loader to program to override data into table
38. How do you set profile in oracle applications In Application Developer responsibility?
A Open ‘Profile’ Function
39. What is the syntax for loading data through SQL * Loader from multiple files simultaneously
A. Sqlldr scott/tiger@orcl <mailto:scott/tiger@orcl> control = ctlfile
parfile — parameter file: name of file that contains parameter specifications
parallel — do parallel load (Default FALSE)
40. What is the table name for items in Oracle Inventory
41. Tell me names of important production tables & their purpose AP, AR, GL, PO
To store invoices
PO: PO_VENDORS, PO_VENDOR_SITES – For storing vendor data.
42. Name the interface tables used for the Lockbox Interface
Lockbox transfers the receipts that pass validation to the Receivables interim tables AR_INTERIM_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL and AR_INTERIM_CASH_RCPT_LINES_ALL
When you run Post QuickCash, the receipt data is transferred from the QuickCash tables to the following Receipt tables:

43. Name the interface tables used for the AutoInvoice Interface.
A AutoInvoice transfers transaction data from the interface tables
into the following Receivables tables:

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